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Thursday, August 9, 2007

21st Birthday Ideas

Even before you turn 21, everyone is just talking about how you’ll soon be legal to drink. All the birthday gift ideas for a 21st birthday are usually tied to martini glasses, beer coupons and ‘Congratulations you’re legal’ memorabilia. What they do not realize, is that now that you are 21, you are also a responsible adult and pretty much answerable for your own mistakes. So, some responsible birthday gifts for those turning 21 can include fun yet dry alternatives.

A trip to have some fun with friends can be the perfect 21st birthday gift. Parents and other family members can help pool in for a trip to celebrate your birthday and you do not need to get drunk to enjoy yourself. Skiing, swimming, rock climbing or thrill rides, whatever your choice may be, a nice trip may be a perfect way to celebrate the big number.

A notebook, PDA or iPod can also be a substantial and yet responsible 21st birthday gift so that you can work and stay connected with friends and family and be accessible everywhere you go. You can take your music and your contacts with you and not be bored on long plane or train rides.

Many people graduate soon after their 21st birthday and therefore any help with student loans can be a good idea. It may not sound like a fun gift, but it sure is a practical one! Add the years if interest on it and you’ll be thanking your stars you didn’t get another sweater as a 21st birthday gift once those collector calls start haunting you ten years down the road.

A sentimental 21st birthday gift for your son could be 21 cards, one from each of his previous birthdays in a box to remind you and him of all the times you he made your day special or your life worth living. Whether it is in the form of a scrapbook or a simpler alternative, a snapshot of the last 21 years can be a priceless gift, even though some money to go with it would be a good idea too!

Who Said Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees?

Depending on your budget, you can buy a small tree or plant and stick 21 gift cards to the leaves. The denominations could be anything, but the idea will be cute and the variety of stores to go to enjoyable for the birthday boy or girl. You could write a cute message on the plant pot and add $5 denomination gift cards to ice cream parlors, movie rental stores, or more than one card to the same place all around the tree.

Have a special occassion to attend we can help you find the perfect gift.

1 comment:

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