Make a Decision

Monday, August 13, 2007

How to Start a Party Planning Business

Party planning is recommended for those who are starters in the world of business. It offers a wide market and does not require any special skills to operate it. If you would like to start your own party planning business, here are some guidelines you can follow:

1. You may start your party planning business by doing it at your own home as your dry run for your business. It is recommended that you make a party planning business in the evening on weekdays. The most appropriate time that a party is held is 7:30 in the evening when the most number of guests are already free from their work. You may ask the help of your friends to arrange and prepare your organized parties.

2. You may make a list of persons that you will invite for the party. Prepare the invitations and make a follow up call to confirm the number of invited guests who will surely attend your party. Ask your neighbors, friends, and even persons you have met on occasions to come and enjoy the party you have organized. This will also inform them that you are starting a party planning business where they may recommend you to their families and friends.

3. You have to set up the decorations early in the venue of the party. It is better if you prepare and decorate two days before the party. After the decorations and props set-ups are done, you may concentrate on preparing the menu that will be served at the party. You can set a schedule on the more important things that you should prepare first so that you will not cram when the day of the party is nearing.

4. It is advisable that you make a plan on the party process. You may follow an outline on what could be the format of the party. Greet the guests while they enter the place and you may give them nametags for others to know them as well. You can introduce them to other guests and show them the catalog of the menus for them to choose what refreshments they would like to be served

5. Determination is one big factor that contributes to the success of your party planning business. You have to believe in yourself that you can put up this kind of business where you can earn more money and establish yourself as a direct sales merchandiser.

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