Make a Decision

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Make Money Writing Articles

How much you can make from placing articles and affiliate links on your website differs from person to person. How much you are able to make will depend mostly on how successful your site is. This means getting good search engine rankings through SEO efforts, making your site enjoyable and informative to read through engaging content, building your site around a great niche subject, how big your site is, and how many sites you have.

Some people claim to make as much as $10,000 per month ($120,000 per year) through building and promoting niche sites, however, most people should not expect this kind of success, especially if you are very new, as that kind of success usually only comes with experience and acquired skill. A reasonable income to expect from a niche site, after you have worked for months to gain traffic and are hooked up with good affiliates, may be $500-$1,000 per month. However this is recurring income, so you will make that much monthly off of the efforts you put into that one site, it is not a one shot deal.

After you have a successful site, most choose to continue to build niche sites. The more sites that you build, the better an income you can generate. Some also choose to build very fast and very short sites over sites that are slightly longer in length. It should be noted that the larger each of your sites are, the more income you will likely generate off of them.

When starting out, it is important to remember that your first site will always be your hardest, since you are just learning the ropes of the business, and that not everyone is cut out to market and promote niche sites. It may not work out for you and you may end up losing a little bit of money, but that is a risk that everyone in this business has to take.

The important thing is that you don’t give up without a good shot at it, if this is really what you want to do. Your first site may take a long time, the work may be tedious, and you may feel like throwing in the towel. However, if you give up too early, you will never know what could have been. And who knows, you may be the next great website marketer!

Making Money with Articles: Where to Find Affiliates For Your Niche Website

To make money with articles that you place on websites, you will also need a variety of good affiliate links that will help to generate revenue. It is important that you know where to find affiliates and that you choose the best affiliates for you and your niche site.

When you pick an affiliate, it is important that you determine which companies you will profit best from based on the frequency that the product is likely to sell. There are several types of affiliates and some will offer you more money from a sale than others will. Before you get hazy-eyed by dollar signs, however, remember some products are bound to sell more than others. If you sell on product four times a year from a little known company that gives you $100 per sale or sell a well known product 3 times a week at the rate of $10 per sale, then you will make much more money with the $10 per sale product. Often times large well known companies will offer a very small profit per sale because they are established and know that their product is likely to sell well. Small, unknown companies, on the other hand, need all of the promotion they can get. Also, because they are unknown, their products are likely to sell less frequently.

The most important rule when picking affiliates to promote on your site is to pick products that would be of interest to those who would likely visit your niche site. Otherwise you will be promoting a product to a group of people who do not even want nor need it. If your niche site targets parents of young children, then promote baby products. If you niche site targets gardeners, then promote gardening products. If you promote baby products to gardeners, you are almost guaranteed to not make a profit no matter how much money the affiliate company offers for a sale.

Lastly, there are two main ways to find an affiliate company for your niche website. You can sign up with a company that manages the accounts of hundreds of companies, big and small, and apply for the products within these accounts or you can do a web search for companies that would match well with your niche, visit their websites, and see if they advertise an affiliate program.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Let's Play What's Your Slang

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I have Pssst

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What is Yoga

What is yoga? In Sanskrit, the language of ancient India where the word yoga originated, the word yoga means "union”. The union occurring between the body, spirit and mind is what it pints to. Yoga exercises refer to the practice of physical postures or poses. It is defined as the oldest practice of self development by creating balance in the body through developing both flexibility and strength. The methods of classical yoga include physical postures, ethical disciplines, breathing control and meditation and that what is yoga all about.

What is Yoga Practice?

Usually yoga teachers will often refer to yoga as "your practice”. It means the individual experience with yoga as it develops over time. One amazing about yoga is that as you practice it, it always evolves and changes so it never gets boring. Anybody who is interested can start yoga practice even if they don’t feel like they are very flexible or very strong. Over time these things will develop. It encourages the noncompetitive spirit of yoga.

The practice of yoga involves forming different poses and stretching the body while keeping breathing slow and controlled. The body becomes energized and relaxed at the same time. There are various styles of yoga, some styles move through the poses more quickly, almost like an aerobic workout, and other styles encourage you to relax deeply into each pose. Others have a more spiritual angle, while others are used it as a form of exercise.

What is Yoga and How it is Done

Yoga can be done through the performance of postures and poses. Each of these has specific physical benefits. The poses can be done in succession quickly, it will create heat in the body through movement or more slowly to increase the stamina and perfect the alignment of the pose. The poses are a constant, but the approach to them will vary, it will depend on the tradition in which the teacher was trained. In yoga classes, practicing the poses may include instruction on call and response chanting, breathing, meditating and inspirational reading by the teacher. It will still depend on the individual teacher and the yoga tradition in which they have trained the variety and amount of this.

A yoga class at a gym will typically be more focused on the purely physical benefits of yoga, while when you are at a yoga center it may delve more into the spiritual side. There are some who find that the physical practice of yoga becomes a gateway into a spiritual exploration while others just enjoy what is yoga.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


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Feng Shui for Beginners

So you want to apply some feng shui in your life, but don’t know where to start? Are you hesitant about paying out money for so-called experts who promise to come into your home and give you a “reading” to advise you? Are you wondering if it’s all just a bunch of bunk? Well, don’t worry; we have some great tips and pointers that all feng shui beginners should think about before they go any further. So before you spend a dime hiring a consultant or dismiss this ancient art and science as silliness, check out these pointers first.

Feng Shui is About Calm and Order

This is probably the most important principle that feng shui beginners should consider. Feng shui is not about a rigid placement of furniture or about thinking that a red front door will bring wealth to your home; it’s about ushering in peace, calm, order, harmony and balance to your life. For example, one of the first things that feng shui beginners are told to do is to de-clutter their home as much as possible. Why is this? Because clutter has been scientifically proven to cause stress and chaos in a home. When your environment is cluttered, you feel constant guilt and disappointment over unfinished chores and projects. You are also frustrated and angry when you can’t put your hands on an important document or other such item.

Some feng shui beginners may immediately dismiss this important element of the art, but give it some thought. If your home is very cluttered and messy, how do you feel? Do you feel good about yourself and positive about your home? Chances are that you don’t.

Feng Shui is About Creating Mood

Color is a big part of feng shui, but not because certain colors are considered “lucky” or more desirable than others; this is a big misunderstanding that most feng shui beginners have. Instead, color is used to create mood or to enliven and energize a room or a home. Bright, vibrant colors can be an instant pick-me-up, while warm and soothing colors can relax and calm you. Strong colors like red and purple are seen as fiery and bold, and are used sparingly.

There is of course scientific data to back this up. Biologists understand that humans react to colors around them, and apply this to many situations. Taxi cabs are yellow so that they’ll be easily noticed, car brake lights are red for the same reason.

So if you’re a feng shui beginner, don’t get overwhelmed with the concept, and don’t dismiss it that easily either. You need not believe in the superstitious, hocus pocus bunk that some people have mistakenly attributed to feng shui, but you can appreciate the aspects of this art that are effective as well. If you still need more proof, just try cleaning out your closets and repainting your bedroom, and see if those changes don’t bring some positive energy to your life as well!

Gotta Love

Albert Einstein
Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions.

SOHO of many messes

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Friday, January 25, 2008

Rules of Feng Shui

Are you someone that likes rules? Chances are that you don’t. Very few people do. Most everyone appreciates a few guidelines here and there, but usually appreciates being able to have some room for free expression and latitude. This is one of the reasons that the ancient art and science of feng shui is so enjoyable for most people – while it has some very important principles, there are really no such things as rules of feng shui.

So if there aren’t any hard and fast rules of feng shui, how can one go about applying it to your life?

No Rules of Feng Shui, Just Principles

What is the difference between a rule and a principle? Simply put, a rule is very harsh and rigid, and rarely allows someone any type of freedom for their own personal choices, judgment, or expression. It’s also something that you must do, like it or not. A stop sign is a rule, not a suggestion.

On the other hand, a principle is more of a guiding thought which allows for a great deal of latitude for someone to make up their own minds about things. Principles are like a ceiling under which there is a great deal of movement.

So if someone is thinking that there are certain rules of feng shui to be followed, they need to understand that feng shui is about making things in your home and your environment work for you, and you personally. What you appreciate and enjoy and what will bring energy and vitality to your life is not something that’s going to work for someone else. Trying to dictate “rules of feng shui” is something that’s actually counterproductive to the entire art overall.

However, the principles of feng shui are much different. For example, consider the use of color. Feng shui teaches (as do many designers and decorators) that bright colors add energy and vitality to any space, and encourage you to use yellows, oranges, and shades such as these in an area of your home where you need that added energy, such as your kitchen or breakfast nook. However, the way you apply this principle and to what degree is up to you and your own individual taste. Imagine if the “rules of feng shui” demanded that you paint your kitchen orange, and it was your most hated color! Many have also found that what works for them is to introduce these elements in small doses, in accent items, artwork, and so on, rather than coloring a room completely in one particular color.

Making Up Your Own Rules of Feng Shui

How you apply feng shui in your own home is going to be up to you. Again, it needs to work for you personally. So if you are looking to work with a feng shui expert or advisor, and he or she insists that you follow so-called rules of feng shui, be wary. Remember, there is no such thing.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I own drug parapheranalia - I must be an addict

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Yes You can Find Back Pain Relief

You are lucky enough to not suffer from back pain all the time, but when you do get back pain, it is enough to be quite annoying. You are determined to not let back pain stop you from doing what you do everyday, so what you need is some advice on how to find back pain relief.

About Back Pain Relief

The first thing you need to realize about back pain relief is that it does not always have to be found in the form of a pill. Many people decide to take aspirin to get back pain relief, but if your back pain is not severe, you should consider forgoing that option in favor of more natural alternatives.

First of all, back pain sometimes happens because there is not enough activity for your muscles, meaning that you need to move around more. If you think that this might be the case, start taking walks or doing some light exercises when you have some free time.

Back pain relief has been sought by people in a variety of different ways. Some people decide to make a little vacation out of finding back pain relief, and book a weekend at a spa. Spas really are a fun way to get some back pain relief, because at spas you can get massages, as well as relax in heated Jacuzzis.

Some people prefer to have a little bit of the spa at their own home by having a Jacuzzi in their backyard. This way, if you feel in need of some back pain relief, or need to get rid of stress, you can do so whenever you want. However, be aware that you should only stay in the Jacuzzi for a certain amount of time.

Of course, back pain relief can be gotten more inexpensively but simply using a heating pad. Apply the heating pad to the part of your back that hurts the most, and then let it stay there for several minutes. You should be able to feel some relief that way.

You can also go to your local grocery store and get lotion that is heat activated. This kind of lotion is often found in spas (specifically for massages) and you can massage it into your back muscles.

For more information on the various kinds of back pain relief that you can choose from, search the internet. There are many different sites that are reliable and might be able to help. You are sure to find the right thing for back pain relief with the proper research.

Gotta Love

Oscar Wilde

"The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated."

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heath Ledger - An Australian View

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Heath Ledger RIP

So shocked and saddened here in Australia. Thoughts to the family.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Back Pain Nerves Can Change Your Life

The spinal cord is the main part of the body’s central nervous system that conveys signals from the brain to the nerves throughout body. Your spine is one of the strongest parts of your body. It is made of solid bony blocks joined by discs to give it strength and flexibility. It is reinforced by strong ligaments and surrounded by large powerful muscles that protect it. Most simple back strains do not cause any lasting damage.

Your back nerve pain could be the result of a back or neck injury, so it is very important to take care of your back and spinal cord. The spine is what we rely on to keep us up right, to give us support and to get through our activities of daily living. So you can see how vitally important your health is to your overall well-being. Because of this, you absolutely must take care of your back.

Most of us face back pain sometime or another and the good thing is that most back nerve pain will go away in a few weeks with some basic self-care. However, if you experience back nerve pain and it goes away, you may still be likely to get back pain again. But if your pain is severe or lasts a long time, see you doctor.

Back nerve pain is usually caused by overuse, strain, or injury. For example, people often hurt their backs playing sports, working in the yard, from being jolted in a car accident or lifting something too heavy.

For some people, back nerve pain is the result of arthritis, osteoporosis, illness, or it is hereditary, something you are born with. Only a few people may need back surgery but if you have a slipped disc, or back pain with symptoms of nerve damage (such as numbness in your legs), even in these cases, most people can improve without surgery. However, surgery does not always guarantee that the pain will just disappear, so it is better to get a second opinion before making decisions on how to deal with the back pain.

If you do decide to have surgery, events in your life will change drastically even after your back nerve pain surgery. Developing and adopting new lifestyle changes to accommodate your back issues isn’t easy, but with patience and motivation, while you may have to slow things down a little and take things one at a time, you will get your life back.

Back to School Bankruptcy

I have three kids who start school next week. The cost of education so far is $1,294.55 and this does not include the laptop I had to purchase ($2997) and the text book hire levy for my high schoolers ($197 each). Education in the public sector is supposed to be free. And they wonder why we don't send them to private schools?

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

OK Technology 1

Still can't actually audio utter cos something seriously wrong with the MP3 recorder that I couldn't find the instructions for...mmm will definitely buy early birthday present.

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Technology 0 me 1025

I have been busy beaver setting up new desk top and wifi to kids laptops getting ready for school year start. I am technology goddess. It all works with full virus protection. I don't take requests or freelance work. I know but hey, you'll get over it lol. So proud.

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Back Pain Symptoms Could Signal Nerve Damage Or Other Problems

When you experience back pain symptoms, you should never turn a blind eye towards them. Most people don’t know that low back pain, specifically, is the leading cause of disability in people under 45. However, whether it’s low back pain, or any other pain associated with the back, you should have a specialist examine you immediately to ensure that you aren’t getting worse, for the pain may be an indicator of worse things to come.

See Your Doctor Immediately

Experts suggest that you see your doctor immediately if you experience the following back pain symptoms, which could indicate some underlying condition. For example, if your back pain gets worse when you cough or sneeze, if you experience numbness down either or both legs, if your back pain symptoms keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, or if your back pain causes you to urinate or make a bowel movement, you should definitely see a specialist right away as these are not symptoms of normal back pain.

If you are experiencing one or more of the above listed symptoms, this could indicate that you are experiencing nerve damage. However, if you are experiencing nerve damage, only a doctor or back specialist will be able to determine the true cause. If you are diagnosed with nerve damage, you may be eligible for surgery or some other procedure, but that, too, will only be determined by a back specialist.

When you first experience back pain, think back to what you may have done to cause it. If you recently worked out, for instance, you may have just pulled a muscle that will go away in a couple of days. If you recently moved furniture, or exerted your body in any way, your back pain symptoms may be normal. Wait to see if it goes away in a few days or try a muscle cream such as those sold in your local drug store. If it doesn’t recede, however, and it lasts longer than a week or more, then it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor or a chiropractor.

Back pain symptoms can make any movement or activity almost impossible. For this reason, you want to be especially perceptive to any back pain. If you recently did something that pulled a muscle, it might be nothing to worry about. Chronic back pain and back pain symptoms that seriously hinder most activities, however, are nothing to ignore, not if you don’t want to be one of those who are disabled because they ignored their back pain s ymptoms.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Look what I have created

Playing with movie maker. Will probably look back at this and laugh but today am happy techi mum.

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Don't Touch the Lego

Don't Touch the Lego - our toy poodle for size comparison

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Lego Me - Won't Utter Though

A Lego Me and I can't get that to utter either - must check audio lead.

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Our completed creation

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Lego City is Alive

It took four hours and the whole family but we have lego city up and functional and we are so proud. My seven year old boy has carried out several missions and saved many lives already. Lego is still great for the imagination and hey although I love them, it gets him away for PS2.

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Saturday, January 12, 2008

Soy Candle Making Supplies

Candle making can be a lot of fun, but if you want to make more natural candles that burn purer and will not affect people with allergies and asthma for example, then you want to get all chemical-free soy candle making supplies.

The Benefits

There are many benefits that can be gained by using chemical-free soy candle making supplies. For one, soy candles are natural and so soy wax is the favored choice of environmentally conscious people. It is not made from petroleum like regular paraffin wax candles are and so they burn cleaner.

Another benefit to using chemical-free soy candle making supplies and making soy candles is that they last longer. Rather than having a candle that may burn out over a few uses, a soy candle will last months, even years. The wax spills are also easier to clean so you will not have to worry so much about mess. It is very difficult to clean paraffin wax but with soy candles because the ingredients are natural, the wax basically comes right off surfaces when spilled.

Also by using chemical-free soy candle making supplies, if you add scent it will distribute more aroma than other types of wax candles would. This is because the incorporation of soybean oil results in lowering the melting point of the candle. In turn, you have cooler burning candles and faster scent dispersion as well.

Where to Buy

If you are interested in purchasing chemical-free soy candle making supplies, you will usually just need to head out to your local arts and crafts store. They should have an at least remotely decent selection for you to choose from, but if you would like more variety, than you may want to check out one of the many specialty candle making shops around the world.

The Internet will be a great resource to you here, as with the Internet you have the option of browsing through literally hundreds of different companies in a matter of minutes, something that you obviously could not do otherwise. This allows you more selection and therefore better results in terms of what you want to get out of your candle making experience.

Candle making is a great hobby and by using chemical-free soy candle making supplies not only are you going to produce better, safer candles, but save yourself money as well. The benefits of going this route are great indeed and soy candles are definitely gaining in popularity around the world these days.

Logitech 9000

So my Logitech 9000 arrived very quickly and I've been playing with it - audio is great so will probably upload an actual audio but have decided that maybe I need an avatar for my videos - it's so good shows every blemish and I don't want to do a full makeup for a metoday on viddler. So playing with Sitepal avatars - so much fun - I can be whoever I want.

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How to Make Beeswax Candles with Your Kids

If you love candlelight and like to work on craft projects with your kids, then you'll want to know how to make beeswax candles. Get the ambience of candlelight without the expense of costly store-bought candles. Once you know how to make beeswax candles, you can make them in a variety of lengths and colors.

Beeswax candles don't require you to heat up the stove or melt wax, so it's a safe project that scores bonus points for being so easy to set up and clean up. While you're saving money by making your own candles, you can also help your kids make something they'll be proud of. These candles aren't one of those knick-knacks that gather dust on a shelf. Beeswax candles are beautiful and have a unique natural scent. Once you know how to make beeswax candles, you can even teach other moms who have creative kids.

Supplies for Making Beeswax Candles

You'll need a pair of scissors that you don't mind getting beeswax on, one sheet of beeswax, and one cotton wick that is at least one- inch longer than the beeswax sheet. So if your beeswax sheet is ten inches long, your wick has to be at least 11 inches long.

How to Make a Beeswax Candle

Fold one sheet of beeswax in half and cut it along the fold. Lay one of the cut pieces on a clean work surface and place the wick on the edge of the beeswax closest to you. Make sure half an inch of the wick extends past each edge of the beeswax sheet.

Slowly start rolling the edge of the beeswax closest to you over the wick. Press the edge of the beeswax with your fingers to seal the wick into place. The warmth of your body will melt the wax slightly and help seal the seam.

Once the edge is sealed, continue rolling the candle slowly , keeping the beeswax tight and rolling straight. A straight, tight candle will not only look good, but it will burn better than a loosely rolled, uneven candle.

When you are about two inches from the outer edge of the beeswax, make any adjustments you need to make the candle straight. When attaching the edge of the beeswax to the candle you've just rolled, use your body heat again to press the edge of the wax along the entire edge until the length of the edge is adhered to the candle.

Trim the wick flush at one end of the candle to form a base. Trim the wick at the other end to ¼ inch.

Now that you know how to make beeswax candles, you can start to make all your own candles and need never to buy them again.

Patience can be taught - I think

So I got to bed about 2.30am and my son woke me at 8.00 to get ready to pick up his lay-by at Toyworld. Lego City. He was supposed to pick it up next week with his allowance but thanks to gran's extra money in the mail, he can pick it up today. So the patience lesson has now turned into we can rely on gran lesson. Mmmmmmm maybe I should have hidden it.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Puppy Care When You're Away

If you are considering bringing a new puppy into your family, but your house tends to be empty during the waking hours, there are a few basics to know about care of your puppy during the day. Keep in mind that the dogs that make the best family pets generally do so because of their friendly, social personality. This means that spending days alone may give your pup an acute case of boredom that can evolve into destruction if the care of your puppy during the day is not handled carefully and thoughtfully. This will incorporate certain tools that you can use to care for your puppy during the day, as well as the approach that you can take in the evenings to train your pup and build a relationship with him.

Crate Training

Crate training has been touted as one of the best ways to train a puppy in recent years, and works with nearly any breed and size of dog. If you are considering a puppy, before you bring one home it is a good idea to purchase a crate to have ready for your new dog. This crate can be used as early as the first night that your pup spends in your home, as a secure environment for your puppy to sleep in after he leaves the safety of his litter mates. The crate can also be used to house your dog as a part of the care of your puppy during the day. This method beats coming home to a soiled carpet or a chewed armchair, and gives you the peace of mind in knowing that your pup is safe during the day when you are not there to keep an eye on him.

It is important to note when talking about care of your puppy during the day, that young dogs are not able to exercise bladder control for the entire eight hours that you might be gone. If you can, it is a good idea to swing by home on a break or your lunch hour to let your puppy outside. On the flip side, a crate can be a good tool to use when gradually teaching your dog about bladder control. Just don’t make your pup wait too long between potty breaks while he is still very little.

If you are absent during much of the day, it is important for you to take time with your dog in the evenings when you come home. If your puppy care during the day does not involve play time or training of any sort, then you will need to participate in both of these activities at night. A puppy needs to spend time with his owner to feel secure and loved, and to learn proper behavior. If you are unsure of how to train your dog in the limited amount of time that you have, an obedience course at night can go a long way in training and caring for your puppy during the day.

How to Make Gel Candles

Anyone Can Make Gel Candles - Just follow the instructions

It is easy to love those beautiful candles that are readily available on the market that give off excellent scents when burnt and if these candles make you feel like making them on your own, all that you need to do to further your goals are to learn up on instructions to make gel candles. Usually, these instructions to make gel candles are not all that hard to follow and it would take just a few steps to help you create your own unique gel candles.

About Materials Required

Before proceeding with the steps outlined in instructions to make gel candles, you should know about the materials required, and thus expect that you will need gel, zinc wicks (and not cotton wicks), essential oils to give fragrance, liquid color dyes and embeds (if you want them). You can easily buy these materials from any supplier of candle-making supplies though remember to include essential oils as well as colors because they are essential to proper gel candle making. Also, you will need a container, and preferably one that is made from glass which allows your embeds to be easily seen when they are put inside the container.

As for the actual instructions to make gel candles, you will first of all need to put some hot glue in the bottom of the container and in its center and then stick a wick in it and allow the glue to set. Next, you can cut up the gel into little pieces to facilitate faster melting and when melting, use a stainless steel pot and also keep the heat at medium temperature. You must be very particular about getting the temperature right and nothing other than precisely two hundred degrees Fahrenheit is acceptable, and so, makes sure to use a thermometer to get the temperature right.

Once the gel has reached two hundred degrees Fahrenheit, it should melt and also become more even and just like syrup and then, according to the instructions to make gel candles, you can add some color dye and add it a small amount at a time till the color is right. The next step in the instructions to make gel candles is adding fragrances and about a third of a teaspoon should do well in this regard, though if you desire stronger scent, then you can add additional fragrance.

After adding the essential oils, you need to heat the container in an oven or even in a microwave till the temperature reaches one hundred fifty to one hundred sixty degrees Fahrenheit. You may also use embeds by first dipping them in hot gel and then place them in the container in the manner that you want. It is then time for you to pour the gel into the container and remembers also to pull the wick up and to ensure that it is straight use a pencil to roll it on.

Once the candle has cooled, you can cut the wick to size which is all that there is to completing the task of making gel candles. These simple instructions to make gel candles will get you started on your way to making your own gels and after some practice, should become second nature to you.

Moderator - not so much

Tried to apply for a moderator position this morning but got interrupted 4 times by kids writing the email so abandoned it - don't really think I have the time lol. As soon as I find my instructions for my MP3 recorder will record again, that or my new camera shows up. Whichever comes first.

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Candle Making for Beginners More Tips

Why Use Candle Making Wax, When There Are So Many Choices Available?

Once upon a time when you said 'candle' you would imagine animal fat. Gradually that image changed to candle making wax that was obtained from paraffin. Today, when you say or think of candles there are many, many options for your choice – such as soy wax, gel, bees wax, marbles candle making wax, and so on.

How Do You Decide Which Option Is the Best for Your Needs?

First of all start by identifying your needs. Do you want candles as emergency light providers when there is a power (electricity) cut? In that case the regular candle making wax would suffice here. Do you want candles that you could gift to formal acquaintances? In this instance you could use gel for making the candles as this would give the best scope to decorate it and make it into an exceptional gift.

The gel candles are extremely beautiful and easy to make. The fact that you could add a few embeds into the container where you pour the gel candle, makes this gift even more special as the embeds could be chosen to give certain messages that symbolize, friendship, respect, love and so on.

The same stores that sell candle making wax usually have stock of gels and the related material needed to make these gifts. You need to take care however, when you choose to make your gel candles that this type requires a lot of practice until the results are perfect. Initially you would be likely to get a lot of bubbles in the gel candle container; another flaw that happens with beginners is that they tend to add too much dye which kills the show of embeds.

If your friend is an avid convert to nature and save your environment movement, you could choose to gift the soy wax candles. This type of candle making wax is not only extremely environment friendly, but also very easy to work with. You could use the ready made soy wax kits or you could it free style, once you have mastered the process,

Be Prepared for Any Eventuality

If you decide to develop candle making as a hobby or craft and use this skill to make gifts for different occasions, you need to put together a decent stock so you would be prepared for any eventuality. Say, you need all of a sudden a gift for your boss' 15th wedding anniversary and you have only a few days in hand – you could immediately go into your 'lab' and fashion some excellent looking aromatic gel candles that could be used in the bedroom or as centerpieces for a romantic dinner.

Is Frank Kern who they say?

I'm on the list of some heavy hitting internet marketers and just received very similar emails about Frank Kern. As I'm not a member of Stompernet I can't verify whether Frank Kern actually did write the sales copy for that campaign. If anyone can help me on this, I'd appreciate it. Very curious and his latest product looks OK I just want to check he is who he says.

Mobile post sent by Strictlyanything using Utterz Replies.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Does Anyone Really Know How to Quit Smoking?

Anyone who has ever been a smoker knows how difficult it is to kick the habit. Furthermore, anyone who has successfully quit smoking will probably tell you that it took several attempts. There are innumerable resources and methods available that claim to have the secrets of how to quit smoking, but are any of them for real? Let’s take a look at a few of them and see if we can really figure out how to quit smoking for good.

Cold Turkey

This is one of the most popular methods for how to quit smoking. Basically, it involves just quitting, without any weaning or chemical aids of any kind. Although it is popular, it’s not necessarily the most successful method. Most people who smoke are addicted to the nicotine that is contained in cigarettes.

This is a highly addictive drug, and like any other drug, there are withdrawal symptoms that occur when your body is no longer getting it. When trying to quit “cold turkey”, these symptoms are quite severe, and last about two weeks. The challenge is finding ways to distract yourself from these symptoms when they occur. Many people find this very difficult and eventually give in to their cravings.


Some people will tell you that substitution is how to quit smoking. This simply means that they replace smoking with some other activity or behavior. May people have found success by sucking on hard candy or chewing gum when the urge to smoke hits. Sometimes this will help to satisfy the oral fixation by giving your mouth something else to do. Others have substituted certain activities such as exercise in place of smoking. When they crave a cigarette, they simply go for a run or get on an exercise bike.

Patches And Medication

If you’re trying to figure out how to quit smoking, sometimes it’s helpful to consult your doctor. In many cases he or she will be able to prescribe medications that will lessen the effects of the withdrawal symptoms. This method is not always successful, though, as there is also a psychological dependence that comes with smoking, as well as the chemical dependency.

Nicotine patches are also a popular method for quitting smoking. These usually allow you to step down the amount of nicotine that goes into your system after you quit smoking. This will lessen the withdrawal symptoms when the nicotine is stopped for good.

How to quit smoking is a question that has no definite answer. The method that works for one person may be totally wrong for someone else. In the end, it depends on each individual and their specific circumstances that will determine the best option for how to quit smoking.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Facts about Smoking

Most people are aware of the fact that smoking is hazardous to your health. There is an abundance of information available about the risks of lung cancer and heart disease associated with smoking. There are, however, many lesser known facts about smoking that you should be aware of.

They include additional dangers to you and those around you, to the many benefits of quitting. Aside from what we already know, there are many other facts about smoking that should be examined.

Health Risks

As stated above, most people are aware of the increased possibility of lung cancer and heart disease, but the potential problems do not end there. As a matter of fact, there are very few parts of your body that are not affected by smoking. In addition to your lungs, smoking can contribute to cancer forming in your throat, mouth, colon, stomach, cervix, and kidneys, just to name a few.

The medical facts about smoking don’t end with cancer and heart disease. A cigarette contains thousands of different chemicals, and hundreds of those are known to be poisonous. These chemicals are absorbed into your mouth, throat, skin and just about every other organ in your body.

Many of the problems associated with smoking stem from your blood and organs not receiving the oxygen they so desperately need to function properly. This lack of oxygen also affects the largest organ of your body, your skin. When your skin doesn’t receive the oxygen it needs, this will cause premature aging. Regular smokers will become wrinkled and unhealthy looking much sooner than non-smokers.

There are many facts about smoking and the effects it has on fertility in women, but men are at risk as well. It may surprise you to know that male smokers are 50% more likely to experience impotence than non-smokers. The facts about smoking around your loved ones are not very promising either.

This is especially true of children, who are much more vulnerable to second hand smoke than adults. If you smoke around your children, they are likely to experience more infections of the ears, nose and throat than they would have otherwise. They will also have a much harder time recovering from illnesses.

Children of smokers have been known to die from common ailments that they would have easily survived otherwise. It is said that around half of all regular smokers will die from an illness related to their habit. Those that do will have their life cut short by anywhere from 8-15 years.

Social and Financial Effects

There are many other facts about smoking that do not necessarily affect your health. Your appearance is also going to be damaged by smoking. In addition to the prematurely aged skin, your eyes, teeth and hair are also going to show the effects of your habit.

Smoking is as expensive as it is dangerous. The average smoker will spend about $3,000 a year on cigarettes. If you take this number and multiply it by, let’s say 20 years, imagine what could have been done with that money. Smokers will also be at a disadvantage in the workplace, as they are more likely to miss work due to illness than non-smokers.

These are just some of the facts about smoking that everyone should be aware of. The good news is, that when and if you stop smoking, the positive results will be almost immediate. Within just a few weeks, you will begin to feel your health improving. You’ll have a whole lot more money in your pocket as well.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Benefits of Quitting Smoking

There are many benefits of quitting smoking, and many of these occur on the very day that you smoke your last cigarette. Smoking is usually confined to cigarettes and tobacco while others smoke unconventional cigarettes such as pot.

Many people do not understand how they become addicted or chained to smoking and believe that they can quit smoking any time they want to. This is not the case, however, for many people. Many are addicted to nicotine and the craving for it can be as serious as drug addiction.

What You Reap From Quitting Smoking

There are so many benefits of quitting smoking. Among these are decreased pulse rate and decreased blood pressure. You also minimize your risk of having a heart attack when you stop smoking. As weeks of quitting smoking goes by, you might notice that you walk or move better due to increased circulation of your blood and oxygen. The improvement of your lung capacity is one of the benefits of quitting smoking that you will appreciate when you will have no difficulty breathing when you quit.

Other benefits of quitting smoking which you may notice after a few months of doing so are improvements in your cough, less feeling of fatigue, less sinus congestion and not having or less episodes of shortness of breath. These benefits of quitting smoking concentrate more in your respiratory system where smoking hits first.

Long Term Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Basically, the benefits of quitting smoking can be immediately felt and seen within a few months of quitting. The long term benefits of quitting smoking are the decrease of cancer risks in the lungs, the mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, kidney and bladder. The individual’s possible risk of ulcers is also decreased within several years of quitting smoking.

Long term benefits of quitting smoking are also the decrease of your risk of possible death connected to smoking and the decrease of your susceptibility to coronary heart diseases. Your system will basically be as good as those who have never smoked at all within fifteen years of stopping smoking.

These benefits of quitting smoking are very real and so are the dangers that accompany smoking. Smokers must realize that they do not only affect themselves but also their family and friends when they expose them to second hand smoke. Many smokers do not extend their thinking to the aspect that they can be responsible for other people’s health when they smoke.