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Friday, June 29, 2007

Marg McAlister and Writing for Success

Marg McAlister is also an SBI user and I welcome back her tipsheet. She is an expert in her field so for all you aspiring writers or seasoned professionals, you could do a lot worse than to check out her site at the links below. Try the SBI Net Writing course by clicking the link in the title of this post to help polish your skills to make content your best selling feature and money making tactic.

Writing for Success Tipsheet is Back

Feature Article: Will I Ever Improve? Tips on Self-Editing

by Marg McAlister

Writers all want to be published. No matter what they're writing - short stories, novels, articles, biographies - there's nothing like the validation of seeing it in print. The downside is this: unless you're self-publishing, you have to wait for someone else (usually an editor) to say 'yes, we want to publish your book'.

The question in most writers' minds is this: "What will prompt the editor to vote 'yes' rather than 'no'? What is she looking for? Is there anything I can do to improve my chances?"

Some things you have control over; some things you don't.

· You don't have any control over whether another writer might have sent in a similar story to yours in the same week.

· You don't have any control over an editor's personal quirks, preferences or moods.

· You don't have any control over an editorial panel that might outvote an editor who is presenting your work with a view to publication.

What you do have some control over are the following:

1. The originality of your plot. (Most of the time this involves a new twist on an old theme - forget about trying to think of something that hasn't been done before.)

2. The appeal of your characters. Editors are not likely to want to publish a book featuring dull, two-dimensional characters.

3. The 'voice' you use. This means the general tone and style of your writing - think of the difference in the voice of Janet Evanovich, author of the popular 'Stephanie Plum' books, and the voice of Lee Child, author of the equally popular 'Jack Reacher' books. Editors are always eager to find a writer with a 'new voice'.

4. The quality of your editing. Good writers are able to proofread and polish their scenes to a high standard. They edit for grammar, spelling, and style. If something seems wrong, they try to work out what it is and fix it - they don't give up, shrug and say 'It's close enough'.

All four of the above-mentioned things you do have control over are important, but for now, we'll look at the fourth - the quality of your editing. The biggest problem by far for most writers is working out WHY something 'sounds wrong'. They know there's a sour note in there somewhere - but what is it? How can you fix something when you can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong?

Nobody is pretending that it's easy. It takes time to hone your writing skills and improve your technique. At times, most writers feel that they'll never really 'get it' - it all seems like such hard slog! Remember that, and when you're feeling down, remind yourself that you're not alone.

It helps to have feedback from other writers who can help you analyse your work, but you can also gradually improve your skills by buying 'how to' books, doing short courses, or using a critique service. The following tips will help you to improve your self-editing skills - and thus improve your chances of acceptance.

1. Keep Your Tools Sharp - and Invest In New Ones When Necessary

Why is it that many people think nothing of upgrading to a better TV or coffee machine, but baulk at the idea of investing in their writing career? You may well have a dozen books on plotting and writing - but how old are they? How often do you refer to them? How much have they taught you?

From time to time, browse sites like and The Writers Digest to check out the latest books for writers. When you see one that appeals, Google the name of the book plus the word 'review'. This will help you to find what other people think of the book. When you locate one that seems popular, think about buying it for your professional library. Keep updating!

Every so often, consider doing a new course on writing. Make sure you research the course carefully before you start. Is the author of the course well-regarded? Are there testimonials from satisfied students? What kind of feedback/testing is involved?

Your tools also encompass your computer, word processing software, printer and seating. Look for ease of use, comfort and enough power/memory to do the job properly.

2. Edit One Thing At a Time

When the time comes to edit a scene or chapter, most writers just sit down and read through their work without any kind of plan or systematic approach. They hope that if something's wrong it will jump out at them. All too often they're tired or pushed for time, and don't give their work the time and effort it deserves.

Wrong approach! You've probably spent hours constructing a plot and creating characters, and weeks or months writing the chapter (or chapters). Does it make sense to sabotage all your effort by rushing through that essential editing stage? Of course not.

Divide your editing time into (a) proofreading for spelling and grammar (b) checking style and technique and (c) checking story structure. You might find it most fruitful to do these in separate sessions. That way, your focus for the session will be on just one aspect of editing - far less confusing, and more likely to produce rewards. Let's look at each in turn.

(a) Spelling and grammar.

Use the spell check / grammar check function on your word processor for the first run through. If you're naturally strong at spelling and grammar, this will probably be enough. If you are not strong in these areas, then you'll need to enlist the help of someone who is: another writer, a friend or a family member. (You can't rely just on the word processor to check these things - it doesn't pick up everything, and sometimes suggests really weird options.) Don't skimp on this step, thinking that it's an editor's job to fix spelling and grammar. Editors are busy people. They are far more likely to take on a writer who has mastered basic technical skills.

(b) Style and Technique

When you're reading through your scenes to check for style and technique, you are looking for things like these:

· wordy sentences that slow the pace and cause reader confusion

· run-on sentences (including the common habit of using a comma to 'splice' sentences together). This is really part of the grammar check, but crosses over into technique.

· dialogue - do you always know who's speaking? Do you have too many speech tags? Is the dialogue cleanly integrated into the other action of the scene? Can you picture the setting where the dialogue is taking place? Do all of your characters have an individual voice? Is the tone of the dialogue appropriate for each character (age, level of education, occupation, historical era)

· viewpoint - do you have a viewpoint character for each scene? Do you clearly establish who this person is at the beginning of the scene? Have you unintentionally slipped into the viewpoint of other characters?

· are you over-using the word 'as', both at the beginning of a sentence and in the middle?

· are you starting too many sentences with words ending in "-ing"?

· are you starting too many sentences with the same word? (Especially pronouns - "He" and "She")

· are you unintentionally repeating words or phrases so they set up an 'echo' that may distract or annoy the reader?

· is your writing becoming dull because too many sentences are the the same length or have identical patterns?

· is your writing style jerky and uncomfortable for the reader because you use too many short sentences or sentence fragments?

· are you 'telling' too much rather than 'showing' what is happening?

· are you 'dumping' too much information into a scene and spoiling the flow and pacing?

· are you spending too much time describing the setting, rather than blending in only whatever description is necessary as seen through the eyes of the viewpoint character?

· are you boring the reader with too much interior monologue or agonising over the character's situation?

· are you slowing the pace through 'too much' of anything - too much information, too much description, too much incidental dialogue, too much introspection, too many examples?

(c) Checking Story Structure

You need to check the structure of your story both as a whole and for individual scenes. Each scene should have an inciting incident - that is, a reason for the characters to be where they are and doing what they are doing. What triggered the scene? Is this a logical progression? Do we believe in the motivation? Can each scene justify its presence in the book? If you took a scene out, would it affect the book as a whole? If the answer to that is 'no', then why is the scene in the book?

When you are looking at story structure, you are checking for:

pacing - are there any sections of the story that are too slow? Do you need to introduce another complication or another character to liven things up? Would you be better off simply cutting a few unnecessary scenes or chapters

motivation - is the motivation believable for all your characters? How does the story start? How will the main character's life change? Does each scene lead logically to the next? Are there identifiable 'turning points' in the novel - where a character's actions or decisions lead them in a new direction, with no turning back?

suspense and tension - does this build throughout the novel, leading to the climax? Do you always have something else for the reader to find out (thus creating a page-turner)? Does each scene have its own tension?

Is there a 'bleakest moment' when everything seems lost or under threat?

Is there a satisfying conclusion?

The above points are just the basics of what you should be looking for. You will probably find more as you develop as a writer. The most useful checklists you can use are those created by yourself. If you have weak areas, give these prominence on your personal checklists.

3. Edit One Scene at a Time

The tighter your focus, the more likely you are to do a good job. Sitting down to edit a whole book in a day is too big a task. You're sure to get fatigued and miss obvious errors and 'clunky' structure. You'll also be tempted to skip over sections that are 'pretty much okay'.

'Pretty much okay' is not good enough. It's easier to stick to a high standard of editing when you're not taking on too much in one go. Be strict with yourself about this. The only time you should sit down to read through the whole book is when you feel the book is as good as you can make it on a scene-by-scene basis - now you're doing a final run-through to assess general flow and pacing.

Learning to be an effective editor for your own work is largely a matter of experience teamed with an organised approach. It can be made a lot easier if you team up with another writer to proofread each other's work, but you can do it yourself. The reward for all your hard work is an increased chance of getting that 'YES!' from an editor. That's got to be worth it.

(c) Marg McAlister 2007

(c) Marg McAlister and Writing For Success. You may pass this newsletter on to others or reproduce the content provided that the articles are not changed in any way without permission. All copyright details must be reproduced, and the following resource

Marg McAlister's writing sites and ezines are full of up-to-date, practical advice for writers. Get timely tips to ensure writing success both online and in print:

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How Wonderful is Wii Remote?

When Nintendo released their new Wii system late last year, everyone was curious to see what the deal was with the long one-handed remote that was to serve as the console’s main controller. Named for its resemblance to a television remote control, the Wii remote is more innovative and more user friendly than the traditional gamepad controllers. But even with all the motion detection and interactive play, how wonderful is the Wii Remote?

The Wii Remote Is Motion Sensitive

Responsive to every move you make, the motion detection feature of the wii remote sets it apart from any other controller every made. Nintendo wanted to make something that anyone, even someone who has never played video games before, could pick up and easily adapt to. Anyone who has ever used the Wii remote would probably agree that nintendo hit the nail on the head with this design. Just make sure you have the strap securely around your wrist or the remote can fly out of your hand during game play.

The Wii Remote Is Wireless

Unlike game pad controllers that either were limited by the length of their cords or the wireless versions that had problems relaying the information even from the smallest distance away, the Wii remote is wireless but uses short-range “Bluetooth” technology to communicate to a sensor placed affixed somewhere near the television being used. Up to four remotes can be picked up as far as 30 feet from the sensor, however performance is best when used within 16 feet. This is much more distance than the average gamer puts between himself and the television anyway.

The Wii Remote Is Versatile

The Wii remote was designed to be used ambidextrously, with either the right or the left hand, and to be held in a variety of positions. Hold it vertically for most games that require fighting, jumping, or swinging an object. It can be turned horizontally, like the original gamepads, to simulate a steering wheel for a driving game. Other activities that the remote can be used for include spinning, dropping, smudging, and flipping and more.

The Wii Remote Is Expandable

Several attachments for the Wii remote were designed by Nintendo but only two ever made it to market. The nunchuck, which can be used in almost as many games as the remote, has an oblong shape and features an analog stick, a trigger button and a C button. The nunchuck is held in the off-hand and plugged into the remote in order to share communication. This attachment also comes bundled with the Wii console. The other remote attachment that was released by Nintendo is the classic controller, which looks like the old Nintendo gamepad controllers, and is only used with the virtual console games that are purchased with special “Wii points”. The list of virtual games greatly increases the number of games available for play on the Wii system.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wii Review

A Wii review Will Let You Know The Inner Workings Of The Nintendo Wii

There are many people that have written their own Wii reviews and you should not have much difficulty in getting the lowdown on this product. In any case, going by available Wii reviews one learns that the Wii is a bit smaller than what one would normally expect though it does have distinctive, smooth as well as good looks. If you are thinking about the Wii-mote, you need not worry as it too is simple to use once you get the hang of its keys.

Get All The Information That You Need

You would also be looking for information about the Nunchuck in a good Wii review and this is readily available as you will learn that it too is good when connected with the Wii-mote to play games that come with the system. You will learn that it is also possible to buy additional games and you will also not experience any difficulties with the sensor bar that too is easy to set up so that you can get your game started in a short time.

You can also learn a lot from the Wii review about what else you get with your Nintendo such as whether owner manuals are provided which would enable you to understand the workings of the Wii as well as get maximum pleasure out of your gaming experience. The Wii review may also include information about getting used to the Wii and requiring using physical effort because the motion-sensor technology that comes built-in with the controller. So, you could find yourself playing tennis with the help of the Wii-remote that acts as your tennis racket.

Your Wii review should also give you an idea of where to purchase the classic Wii controller that need to be bought separately. In any case, when you play your Wii games you should also benefit by staying in shape and thus can choose from between tennis, boxing as well as bowling to play as well enjoy regular exercise at the same time.

If you want to learn how to connect to the website of Nintendo, you may need to read up on a Wii review which will probably help inform you about how to go about it. There should also be information about using the ‘Virtual Console’ and how to take advantage of the backward compatibility of Wii to play the Nintendo NES games. You may also nee to learn that the Nintendo Wii is not just for little children and that all age groups do find it useful and in fact, experienced gamers usually cannot get enough of their Nintendo Wii’s.

Friday, June 22, 2007

The Best Games Released For The Wii System

Nintendo has focused more on quality than quantity when it comes to the games it has released for its newest Wii system. Nintendo has published only a dozen games for the Wii, although more are scheduled for store shelves soon, but the ones that have been put on the market have certainly raised the bar for fun family entertainment. Fortunately for those of us who can’t get enough of the Wii system, third-party game published have created and marketed a wide range of Wii-compatible games. Both sources were considered for our list of best Wii system games.

Games Published By Nintendo

Although not the most graphic-rich, Wii Sports and Wii Play offers players hours of simple fun that can be enjoyed alone or with a roomful of friends and family. The best thing is that the mini-games get you off the sofa and on your feet acting wild and having a ball. Wii Sports comes with the Wii system while Wii Play is bundled with a second controller.

The first greatly anticipated Wii game is the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Link and Princess Zelda are back for another crazy adventure, this time torn between his normal life as a human and the Twilight World that rips him out of the light and into the body of a wolf-like creature. Zelda offers decent graphics, mind-bending puzzles and plenty of interactive fighting action. If you enjoyed playing the old Zelda games, you are going to love the Twilight Princess.

Just released last month, Mario Party 8 is similar to Wii Sports and Wii Play in that it has various Wii system games included in one package. The difference is that Mario Party 8 is geared more toward multiple-playing competing in various activities ranging from driving and rowing to believe it or not, painting. Invite your friends over for this one and watch the party take off!

Games Published By Third-Party Companies

Sonic the Hedgehog is back in his first solo adventure in 16 years. Published by Sega, Sonic and The Secret Rings is fantastic frantic fun! Swerve along wacky obstacle courses with Sonic as he collects rings and pearls while avoiding dangerous elements. Enjoy the one-player adventure mode that carries you throughout Sonic’s newest storyline or grab a friend, or two or three, and compete in the multiplayer party games. A “Secret Book” mode also allows you to play any on the 225 bonus levels revealed through success in the adventure mode.

If culinary conquest sounds more like your cup of tea, try Cooking Mama – Cook Off for the Wii system. A sequel to the popular Cooking Mama, Cook Off puts you in total control with the amazing Wii remote. Chop, dice, slice, stir and grate as you battle the opposition for cooking medals and awards. A two-player competition mode and a ‘Friends and Food of The World’ computer challenge gives you even more chances to use Cook Off’s 55 different recipes and 300 ingredients.

The bottom line is don’t discriminate when choosing games for your Wii system. Other companies have in great part succeeded to keep with the Nintendo spirit when it comes to ease of use and incorporating the features of the Wii remote. So go ahead and give them all a try.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wii Accessories

A Guide To The Different Wii Accessories

The Wii Nintendo video game console is one which has received incredible attention, and not only is it now one of the most popular video game consoles in the world, but as well the Wii accessories that are available to go along with it are lots of fun, and make for variety so that the game never gets old.

What Are The Different Wii Accessories?

There are actually quite a few different Wii accessories out there today, including the crystal Wii cooling stand, which is an accessory that you literally sit your Wii console in, and which works by constantly keeping the console cool, so that it does not overheat, regardless of how long you are playing the game for. This is really fantastic because a lot of people like to keep their video game consoles on all the time, in order to save themselves the hassle of having to constantly turn it off and on every time they want to play.

Another of the Wii accessories is the lightgun peripheral, which is an accessory that can be used as a gun for various shooting games, but which also offers a proper lightgun peripheral, which none of the other accessories like this – for the Wii or any another video game console – have.

Yet another of the Wii accessories that you have to choose from is the train controller, and this is another incredibly innovative accessory. Since physically moving the Wii-mote in a circular motion in order to try and get Taito’s upcoming train simulator would simply be incredibly tiring, this is what has really brought the Wii train controller into fruition. After all, this unique looking controller is meant to work for the previously mentioned train simulator game, and in the future it is going to be able to used for an array of other games as well.

Choosing Accessories

Basically, it will depend on what types of games you have in terms of what accessories you should purchase, and just make sure that you are aware of what you are buying and are sure that you are going to be able to use it, rather than just buying something over all the hype that has been made over it.

The Wii is definitely a new and exciting video game, and with all the creative and innovate accessories that are available to go with it, it is definitely a video game console that you want to invest in.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Wii Is A Much Appreciated Gaming Console

The Wii Is A Much Appreciated Gaming Console

Anybody who is into gaming would really appreciate having a gaming console such as the Wii which is certainly very different from other available game consoles that are hitting the market today. You receive excellent games along with the Wii and you will be introduced to its controller in a most proper manner. With it, you will be sure to notice the Nintendo feel and be assured of the chance of having fun with family as well.

A Different Feel To Start With

If you have tried out the Wii remote as well as the Nunchuck controller you will certainly notice some difference in their feel at first, though with a little bit of intuition you should become used to playing games, which in any case is a lot simpler than simply having to press keys. You will also find that the Wii setup is simple and it allows you to start your gaming experience in a very short time.

When you play games on the Wii you will notice the smoothness as well as find the experience rather absorbing. A notable drawback of course, is its graphics that lack in resolution although it is sufficiently alright for the purpose of gaming. Nevertheless, the games controller that has been integrated very well by Nintendo is a very much appreciated feature that brings greater joy in playing on the Wii.

The Wii wireless setup does not involve any complexities and you just need to connect it and then get the latest on sports, weather as well as news using the free online service of Nintendo. For memory, the Wii uses a standard SD card and it is also easy to purchase higher capacity memory at affordable prices.

A feature of the Wii in which there is something to complain about is its battery life, which you will find with the AA batteries becoming drained of power sooner than you would have wanted it to. It may also lead to losing the remote connection with the console when batteries have run low. However, the Wii uses excellent materials and the quality of workmanship is noticeably superior to other competing products, and you will also find the remote to be sturdy enough to handle instances of falls that are often caused by children.

You will also see this product being sold out pretty fast, which means that you will have to buy the Wii as soon as it hits your local store, or else have to put up with disappointment and having to wait till the next lot hits the market.

Eat Well Go Green

Our body takes a beating each day from all the toxins that surround us. If you live in the big city, then there is a great chance that every breath you take is an assault to your lungs which can spread to your whole body. If you drink tap water then there are numerous chemicals that you ingest. And most unfortunately, the same food that we eat for energy, survival and for their great taste is also taking its toll to our system. There are more sources, but those three alone are scary enough.

Sadly though, we can’t avoid all of them. There is something we could do though, something that could help us to greatly reduce the amount of toxins that can cause havoc to our bodies. Many health conscious individuals have discovered this great method in producing our food. All you have to do is to look for them in health food stores as well as in most groceries. Just make sure that you are getting true organic and not those that just says “natural.” So look for a certification label that proves it’s organic.

A certification is very important as there are many strict regulations that must be followed to ensure that a certain type of food product is truly organic. Each regulation should be followed and any infraction could make it lose its organic status. A true organic food should be grown without the use of any chemicals such as pesticides, fungicides as well as commercial fertilizers. Only organic fertilizers are allowed to be used. Even fruits should be naturally ripened and not with the aid of any accelerant. Poultry should be allowed to free-roam and not being cooped in cages. Cows are also grass-fed and commercial feeds should not be fed to them.

When you eat organic food, you are taking away the possibility of toxins in entering your body; this is because they are not laden with chemicals. Also, organic food is more often than not better tasting than conventional food with their natural taste blooming. Organic food is also much more filled with nutrients such as Omega-3 so it is definitely better for you. The list of advantages may go on and on, but the bottom line is, you will have better health with organic food.


Organic food is more fiber-rich, so this means that your digestive system will benefit more from it. It is also rich in Omega-3 which is good for your heart. More iron is also found in organic produced eggs, this is evident in their dark yellow or orangey color that organic eggs have. Plus, because there is no refinement in organic food, it is more satisfying and can easily make a person feel that he or she is full, so if you are on a diet, this will help a lot in cutting down the portions of the food that you eat. Overall, organic food have more, much more, nutrients that conventional food that is good news for your body.

Many people complain though of its prices, but if you think about it, if you will be cutting down on your medical expenses, which is significantly way costlier, you will be getting more savings, and maybe save up enough money to buy that special something you’ve always wanted, besides there is no price too great for good health and a long and fulfilling life.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Nintendo Wii Console - All my kids want

Advantages Of The Nintendo Wii Console

Last year’s holiday season was marked by the “Battle of the Game Consoles”. The already popular but somewhat glitchy Xbox 360 was joined by two more next-generation video game consoles, each with their own special benefits and features. This article will discuss the advantages of the Nintendo Wii console, formerly called the Nintendo Revolution, when compared with its competitors.

Nintendo Wii Console Is User Friendly

It was Nintendo’s goal to make a video game system that would appeal to people who don’t usually play video games. The Wii does this with its simple mini-game collections like Wii Sports and Wii Play. The pick-up-and-play convinces even the most clueless gamer that there’s nothing to this “modern age of video games”. The motion-sensitive remote that is the main controller of the Nintendo Wii console reduces the risk of “gamer’s thumb” and the confusion of trying to remember which button to push to get your guy to jump over the barrels.

Nintendo Wii Console Promotes Activity

The commercials with all those people jumping around playing the console-bundled Wii Sports were pure advertising genius. What could be better than a video game that allows you to get exercise while having fun? Although the games don’t require quite as much movement as you might be led to believe in order to effectively win, if you follow the directions from the game, and don’t take shortcuts, you’re likely to raise your heart rate and end up sore the next day.

A Rapidly Increasing Game Selection

Nintendo has already released a half a dozen games for the Nintendo Wii console since it’s release last winter, including the newest Mario Party 8 that was introduced late last month. Another seven are due on the shelves within the next few months. In addition to the games produced by Nintendo, several third party companies are coming out with wii-compatible games. Numbering almost four dozen, these titles include such favorites as Medal of Honor Vanguard, Need for Speed Carbon, Cooking Mama – Cook Off, and Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam.

The Nintendo Remote Controller

The introduction of a one-handed remote controller was the biggest difference between the Nintendo Wii console and the other new video game systems. The slim design fits comfortably in either the right or the left hand while being securely strapped to the gamer’s wrist. It’s motion sensitive nature gets kids off the couch and acting out the different actions required in the game, whether it’s swinging a bat, rolling a ball or rowing a boat. Several attachments were created for use with the Nintendo remote in order to enhance its performance.

The Nintendo Wii Console is Affordable

Although two hundred and fifty bucks may not seem inexpensive, when compared with the four hundred dollars price tag on the Xbox 360 and the extravagant $700 you’d have to spend to get a PS3, the Nintendo Wii console comes out to be the budget-friendly choice. Granted some say that the value of the other systems warrant a bigger price but if you just want to enjoy an afternoon playing some challenging yet uncomplicated games, the Wii is for you.

Friday, June 15, 2007

What a week

OK so not many posts this week due to one child in sling, one trip to the city (4 hour round trip) and a car breakdown.

Must say the service I got from RACQ was absolutely fantastic. They quoted a 75min wait but were there within 30 and had me going within 15 minutes. Check their site for the services they offer.

Also have completed my other sites with the help of SBI. If you're even thinking of building a website after reading how much money everyone is making, BEFORE you do anything, check SBI. Take it from someone who has done it the hard way and easy way.
SBI is the easy and least expensive of them all. There is nothing more frustrating than getting your domain and hosting only to find out that you need auto-responders, traffic trackers, link trackers etc. It all adds up to way more than the single outlay of SBI.

Check them out and then make up your own mind. I've built six sites with them and four sites the other way, and I choose SBI over everything.

Will be busy reading Girlfriend It Can Happen by Rene Zellman, first novel. Am writing review for BNN so hope to get it finished this week otherwise they might send out an AWOL notice on me. Haven't posted any articles there this week either.

Oh yeah, just when I thought my day was going along OK, my daughter in the sling, who had just come out of the sling, fell on her head and now has concussion. I'm sure I'll get something done this week.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Free Games No Spam No Ads Just FUN

This is it I hope. A fun game site where everyone can join in, message each other, challenge each other and just have some fun for a change. Suitable for all ages. Let's be low brow for awhile OK, there's enough high brow hitters on the web already.

Shrek 3

Saw Shrek 3 yesterday. Excellent as usual. Have a feast of kids/adult entertainment coming out, can hardly wait to see Surf's Up. Anyway take your kids, grandkids, your next door neighbours kids for an excuse, but get your butt to Shrek for a good laugh.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Dogs are People Too

Dogs are People Too

The cancer rate in dogs is rising at the same rate as people. According to cancer remains one of the most treatable diseases for your pet if detected early enough. As with humans, cancer is thought to be spreading in our pets due to lack of nutrition and the bombardment of free radicals.

To combat this condition in our dogs there are two companies offering prevention and cures for pet cancers both centered on nutrition. have just released their new vitamins for both cats and dogs which they claim will improve your pets protection against disease such as cancer, much the same way as humans take anti-oxidants. offer a range of herbal remedies for those infected with the disease and also some safer alternatives to flea and tick rinses which have been reported to be connected with cancers in dogs particularly, not because of the flea treatment itself, but because of the shampoo it is contained in. (Review of the Epidemiology of Cancer in Dogs by Todd Bessinger)
It’s easy to forget our dog’s biology is very similar to our own and just feed them a can a day. Maybe it’s time we really start to think what is in that can.

Google Cash Detective - Back to Patchwork

Well I missed out on my Google Cash Detective software by Chris Carpenter because the link came out while I was asleep.

My indox has been inundated by other hot to trot marketers with their affiliate links to a product that is no longer available which is really annoying me, so note to all of you guys - please stop or at least check if the product is still

Realistically, although the software looked realy good, you can still achieve
the results manually albeit this is a bit more time consuming.

Would love to know how much he actually sold it for though. If anyone knows
please end my suspense.

So instead of learning software today I'm going to write my article on
Vitex and mineral deficiencies in humans (told you varied mix of
interests here) and post it to the web and here and then get back to my
patch work project to be auctioned on ebay.

My tamagotchi is still sleeping! Must have worn it out with my record breaking
39 jump ropes. My son is still trying to beat it. Ha Ha

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Nancy vs Claws

Nancy and my son's tamagotchi Claws are in
a skipping war.

My top score was 28 unbeaten until
11.30 last night when I hear a yell
from under the sheets.....

I beat you ha, you'll never beat
that 35.

Another long night ahead.

Super Affiliate Handbook - My Guide Book

Rosalind has just updated the Bible for Affiliates.

This is where it all began for me in 2003
so I would recommend everyone get the
new updated version.

If you're only thinking about affiliate
marketing, START HERE

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Sizzle and Tamagotchi

Today was jammed packed with a conference call with Sisel International.

So much to say about new products and the features and benefits.
New articles will be added to the website ASAP at

Got my tamagotchi today, she is called Nancy. We've been to and gone to the movies and went to
the mall to check out what to buy.

OK I'm old enough to know better than to play with these things,
my 12 year old looked at me in disgust when I picked her up with it
hanging around my neck.

However, these things are a stroke of marketing genius and I would encourage
all parents to get one, learn it and keep up to date with all the developments.

Example version 4 allows friends to connect and play games together.
Great. This also leaves it open for wide abuse. In this age it's really
important to keep an eye on these things and to do that, you have to
know how they work, so go get one, learn it, make sure it doesn't die
so you can save your child's from a near death experience. Trust me
these things are addictive and if your child's tamagotchi dies, it
will be like losing a close friend.

That's it for today, will keep you posted.


Friday, June 1, 2007

Embrace Tax - Article of the Day


I know you hate tax. Everyone hates tax. You work every week, do a few extra hours and see a chunk of it taken away in taxes. It doesn’t seem worth it. Why should you work those extra hours just to be taxed at a higher rate and never see any benefit?

Minimising tax is a national sport. Everyone is trying to get tax deductions, salary sacrificing, retirement plans, you name it. If there’s a deduction to be had chances are you are trying to find it to reduce your tax, because you HATE paying taxes.

The hatred of paying more tax keeps people in their positions of employment because they don’t want to get promoted because this means they will earn more and have to pay more taxes.

For those of you familiar with quantum physics and the law of attraction this will make a lot of sense. For those of you who are not I suggest you watch What The Bleep Do We Know and The Secret. Either way try and apply what I say next.

Whatever you concentrate on and give your energy to, you will attract more of. If you spend your time worrying about taxes, hating taxes, you will attract more taxes and you will hate them even more.

So try this. Embrace tax. Love tax. Be glad to pay tax. I’m kidding you right? Wrong.

My goal is to have a $1 million tax bill. Do you know why?

Because that means I’ve made a heap of money. But it also means that my government now has an extra $1 million it didn’t have before to fund programs like health and education.

Now I’m a philanthropist at heart but not in practice. What I mean by that is, I would love to help the needy but don’t know how to start. Fortunately there are thousands of organizations who apply to the government for grants so they can do just that – help the needy.

So my tax is actually my DONATION, yes say that again, DONATION to my government so that it can care for people who need health care, education, housing, crisis assistance etc.

You see the difference? If you love tax for what it can do and send it into the world with a positive energy, positive energy will flow back to you. You will probably have to pay more taxes, do you know why? Because you’ll be earning more money!

Embrace tax. Cherish it as your donation, your way of helping, your way of giving. I know that tithing is sometimes difficult when you are on a tight budget and small wage so ask the universe to accept your tax as your tithe. You will be amazed at the changes that begin to take place in your bank balance, your wallet and your end of year refund as a result.

Kathy Hassed

Today's Cash Tip

I'm always looking for the latest and greatest marketing thingy and usually they come to me without asking, because I've signed up to so many marketers lists.

Today I found something that actually really does work and I've made some money with
it already and I've only had it for two hours.

Here is the link:

Good luck. As I said in my testimonial, if you can't make something with at least one of these ideas then you are not breathing, or not serious about making some quick cash and I mean quick.