Make a Decision

Friday, January 25, 2008

Rules of Feng Shui

Are you someone that likes rules? Chances are that you don’t. Very few people do. Most everyone appreciates a few guidelines here and there, but usually appreciates being able to have some room for free expression and latitude. This is one of the reasons that the ancient art and science of feng shui is so enjoyable for most people – while it has some very important principles, there are really no such things as rules of feng shui.

So if there aren’t any hard and fast rules of feng shui, how can one go about applying it to your life?

No Rules of Feng Shui, Just Principles

What is the difference between a rule and a principle? Simply put, a rule is very harsh and rigid, and rarely allows someone any type of freedom for their own personal choices, judgment, or expression. It’s also something that you must do, like it or not. A stop sign is a rule, not a suggestion.

On the other hand, a principle is more of a guiding thought which allows for a great deal of latitude for someone to make up their own minds about things. Principles are like a ceiling under which there is a great deal of movement.

So if someone is thinking that there are certain rules of feng shui to be followed, they need to understand that feng shui is about making things in your home and your environment work for you, and you personally. What you appreciate and enjoy and what will bring energy and vitality to your life is not something that’s going to work for someone else. Trying to dictate “rules of feng shui” is something that’s actually counterproductive to the entire art overall.

However, the principles of feng shui are much different. For example, consider the use of color. Feng shui teaches (as do many designers and decorators) that bright colors add energy and vitality to any space, and encourage you to use yellows, oranges, and shades such as these in an area of your home where you need that added energy, such as your kitchen or breakfast nook. However, the way you apply this principle and to what degree is up to you and your own individual taste. Imagine if the “rules of feng shui” demanded that you paint your kitchen orange, and it was your most hated color! Many have also found that what works for them is to introduce these elements in small doses, in accent items, artwork, and so on, rather than coloring a room completely in one particular color.

Making Up Your Own Rules of Feng Shui

How you apply feng shui in your own home is going to be up to you. Again, it needs to work for you personally. So if you are looking to work with a feng shui expert or advisor, and he or she insists that you follow so-called rules of feng shui, be wary. Remember, there is no such thing.

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