Make a Decision

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Back Pain Symptoms Could Signal Nerve Damage Or Other Problems

When you experience back pain symptoms, you should never turn a blind eye towards them. Most people don’t know that low back pain, specifically, is the leading cause of disability in people under 45. However, whether it’s low back pain, or any other pain associated with the back, you should have a specialist examine you immediately to ensure that you aren’t getting worse, for the pain may be an indicator of worse things to come.

See Your Doctor Immediately

Experts suggest that you see your doctor immediately if you experience the following back pain symptoms, which could indicate some underlying condition. For example, if your back pain gets worse when you cough or sneeze, if you experience numbness down either or both legs, if your back pain symptoms keep you from getting a good night’s sleep, or if your back pain causes you to urinate or make a bowel movement, you should definitely see a specialist right away as these are not symptoms of normal back pain.

If you are experiencing one or more of the above listed symptoms, this could indicate that you are experiencing nerve damage. However, if you are experiencing nerve damage, only a doctor or back specialist will be able to determine the true cause. If you are diagnosed with nerve damage, you may be eligible for surgery or some other procedure, but that, too, will only be determined by a back specialist.

When you first experience back pain, think back to what you may have done to cause it. If you recently worked out, for instance, you may have just pulled a muscle that will go away in a couple of days. If you recently moved furniture, or exerted your body in any way, your back pain symptoms may be normal. Wait to see if it goes away in a few days or try a muscle cream such as those sold in your local drug store. If it doesn’t recede, however, and it lasts longer than a week or more, then it’s time to make an appointment with your doctor or a chiropractor.

Back pain symptoms can make any movement or activity almost impossible. For this reason, you want to be especially perceptive to any back pain. If you recently did something that pulled a muscle, it might be nothing to worry about. Chronic back pain and back pain symptoms that seriously hinder most activities, however, are nothing to ignore, not if you don’t want to be one of those who are disabled because they ignored their back pain s ymptoms.

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