Make a Decision

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Eat Well Go Green

Our body takes a beating each day from all the toxins that surround us. If you live in the big city, then there is a great chance that every breath you take is an assault to your lungs which can spread to your whole body. If you drink tap water then there are numerous chemicals that you ingest. And most unfortunately, the same food that we eat for energy, survival and for their great taste is also taking its toll to our system. There are more sources, but those three alone are scary enough.

Sadly though, we can’t avoid all of them. There is something we could do though, something that could help us to greatly reduce the amount of toxins that can cause havoc to our bodies. Many health conscious individuals have discovered this great method in producing our food. All you have to do is to look for them in health food stores as well as in most groceries. Just make sure that you are getting true organic and not those that just says “natural.” So look for a certification label that proves it’s organic.

A certification is very important as there are many strict regulations that must be followed to ensure that a certain type of food product is truly organic. Each regulation should be followed and any infraction could make it lose its organic status. A true organic food should be grown without the use of any chemicals such as pesticides, fungicides as well as commercial fertilizers. Only organic fertilizers are allowed to be used. Even fruits should be naturally ripened and not with the aid of any accelerant. Poultry should be allowed to free-roam and not being cooped in cages. Cows are also grass-fed and commercial feeds should not be fed to them.

When you eat organic food, you are taking away the possibility of toxins in entering your body; this is because they are not laden with chemicals. Also, organic food is more often than not better tasting than conventional food with their natural taste blooming. Organic food is also much more filled with nutrients such as Omega-3 so it is definitely better for you. The list of advantages may go on and on, but the bottom line is, you will have better health with organic food.


Organic food is more fiber-rich, so this means that your digestive system will benefit more from it. It is also rich in Omega-3 which is good for your heart. More iron is also found in organic produced eggs, this is evident in their dark yellow or orangey color that organic eggs have. Plus, because there is no refinement in organic food, it is more satisfying and can easily make a person feel that he or she is full, so if you are on a diet, this will help a lot in cutting down the portions of the food that you eat. Overall, organic food have more, much more, nutrients that conventional food that is good news for your body.

Many people complain though of its prices, but if you think about it, if you will be cutting down on your medical expenses, which is significantly way costlier, you will be getting more savings, and maybe save up enough money to buy that special something you’ve always wanted, besides there is no price too great for good health and a long and fulfilling life.

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